Sunday, December 7, 2008

Restaurant on the Peninsula

So far I've been out of the compound twice. One night, we went out the back door, down a side alley, and across the street to a convience store. There wasn't much in there except snacks and a coca cola cooler with drinks. Also, there was a refridgerator containing yogurt in white unlabeled containers. It was delicious! It had a nice vanilla flavor. I highly recommend it!

The second time was to a restaurant way out on the peninsula that is Conakry. We drove past all the embassies and fancy (ish) hotels. Yes, there are more than one hotels. For the most part, in the city there are very modest small buildings that could really be called shacks. There are more sound buildings and multiple story buildings. We passed one built by the Chinese. The import a lot of resources, people included, to build impressive buildings. They prepared American-style food for us. Chicken, fish, spaghetti, salad, rice, bread. It was great. The current volunteers informed us that they eat chicken about once in three months. Protein comes from other sources. She did say she eats fish regularly. Here are pictures from the restaurant trip.

Also, here is a picture of one of many maps in the building we're staying in. We're slowly learning about the four regions of Guinea. It's a very diverse country.

My schedule for the next few days:

Monday is a holiday, so we have the day off. The current volunteers will take us to the market and show us how to get food. Then we'll cook for ourselves. It will be nice to relax for a day. Today (Sunday) we're have another day of lessons. Tuesday we set out for the city where we hold our training. We'll be there for two months and will be staying with a host family. I highly doubt that I'll have internet access. So please send me snail mail. Also, you can still send me emails. It's just that I may not respond or read them for a while.
I'm doing well so far. I feel great. I love the food. It's usually rice and a spicy sauce if not spicy rice to begin with. Then some vegetables or fruit. Breakfast is french bread, so yummy. Hope all is well with everyone!


Bonnie said...

I'm glad to hear that things are going well! The food sounds great!

Matilda said...

OMG Kate I know that brand of yogert you are talking about it is my absolute fav. (there is a good abrev to remind you of home)
Glad to see you like the food. What city do you think you might be heading of to?
Do you like the other volunteers?

Dolly said...

Hello from Dolly

Kate said...

Hi Dolly, congrats on making a comment! I didn't know you could do that, but if I had to guess, I could have guessed that you could figure it out.

Haha, there are no brands here Matilds. (You're pulling my leg, right?) I do like the other volunteers. They are all very nice. Right off the bat, we're offering support for one another. It's the best thing to have. If someone feels sick, they just mention it and we all try to guess why and what we can do to make them feel better. People also share food. What better sign of friendship!

Hi Bonnie!